Saturday, February 6, 2010

Okay, this is something I found really worthy enough for me to write about. VINYL FANTASY VII is a badass mashup album created by Team Teamwork, the guys who brought you the other badass mashup album, Ocarina of Rhyme. VINYL FANTASY VII utilizes a lot of great rappers and many of the great midis of Final Fantasy VII and mixes them together. If you think that's pretty damn awesome, grab it here.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

new years resolution

my new year's resolution;
to get back into comics. i need to get some deadpool and shazam/captain marvel stuff.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Friday, December 4, 2009

rebellious badass

"I never understood life until now. When I was younger, I had the view of life as a toy. As I grew, I figured, 'Hell... Life sucks.' But now, I realized life was only one thing; Rebelling from the normality of the common citizen's everyday life."

The view of a rebel always is the coolest. When you look through different things, you find cooler and cooler rebels. As a kid, you started with Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. Luke was the wimpy rebel, and Han was the badass rebel. But the one you thought was cooler? It was Luke, 'cause he got his hand sliced off, and he carried a freaking lightsaber. Later, we realized, "Dude... Han is the gangster of Star Wars." He wasn't the one we would look up to, but it was the one that we thought could seriously do amazing damage.

Later, you grew up with superheroes. Not Super-Man or Spiderman. No, those guys were accepted where they helped. I'm talking about Batman. Batman was the guy in the city that helped with criminals, but everyone hated him. Why? 'Cause he dressed up like a freaking bat! If you actually think about it, Batman was a true rebel. He was accepted in society as Bruce Wayne, but at night, he wasn't the playboy millionaire anymore. He was the vigilante, Batman. He wasn't wanted, according the Police, but he was needed. A rebel is always needed.

As we grew, we experienced other people that were rebels. Either real life human beings like The Rolling Stones or Sex Pistols or people just made up in a movie, like Tron. (If you think about it, Tron is a movie about rebels. Tron rebels against the PMC.) Heck, every movie nowadays has something to do with rebellion. Even the smallest things, like The Lion King.

But, if you really care about why I typed this up, then this is why. A rebel is needed in society. A badass rebel is always needed to fix something. Whether it's to change the way we think or to physically change something, we always will need one, and we will always have one.